trecho de Krzysztof Wodiczko: Public Space: Commodity or Culture (artigo de Lois Acher)

From 1981 on, projection artist and social activist, Krzysztof Wodiczko, has been utilizing public space as an arena to raise that consciousness of architecture’s ability both to mirror and create cultural values. His projections employ the building’s façade as a canvas to reveal hidden but powerful messages that formulate our attitudes on important social and… Continue reading trecho de Krzysztof Wodiczko: Public Space: Commodity or Culture (artigo de Lois Acher)


1910192019301950196019701980199020002010 1910 Prometheus, a poem of fire Alexander Scriabin In February 2010, Anna Gawboy, a doctoral candidate at the Yale School of Music and scholar of Russian composer Alexander Scriabin, attempted to realize the composer’s final work: a symphony of sound and light called “Prometheus: Poem of Fire”. To accomplish this, Anna worked closely with Toshiyuki… Continue reading cronologia

linguagens em tempo real
pesquisa, 2014-16

A pesquisa que coloca em diálogo processos experimentais e pesquisa conceitual sobre os formatos de edição em tempo real que tornaram-se presentes em manifestações como a performance audiovisual ou a dança contemporânea. O foco do projeto é investigar os elos entre estes procedimentos e as práticas mais amplas do audiovisual experimental, desde o surgimento do… Continue reading linguagens em tempo real
pesquisa, 2014-16