Author: marcus bastos
on transmission
audiovisual installation by marcus bastos, artist in residence in the medientheater at humboldt university berlin. in cooperation with Medienarchäologischer Fundus. The piece explores the relationship of analog and digital signals, aiming to depict a lacunar archeology of transmission. The immediacy of radio transmission transduced into sound. The latency of TV broadcast shattered through spatial montage.… Continue reading on transmission
Com curadoria de Cornelia Lund (fluctuating images), uma noite com duas performances e o lançamento de uma partitura gráfica. Curated by Cornelia Lund (fluctuating images), an evening with two performances and the launch of a graphic score. sópalavras justwords Num mundo saturado de imagens e sons, só palavras. Sem sentido. Experiências curtas com aspectos gráficos da… Continue reading acud
0802 is a trans continental Artistic Research Ensemble based in São Paulo and Berlin exploring the overlapping research fields of Alexander Peterhaensel and Marcus Bastos like performative audiovisual language, realtime processes, audiovisual improvisation, electroacoustic performances and the design of digital instruments. The collaboration emerged from a series of conversations at the 6th International Encounter of… Continue reading zeroeightzerotwo
aprox. 40 minutos com dudu tsudaartista convidada: camille laurent dilemas diante de um mundo de violência, excesso e conservadorismo (extremos) em palavras, sons, luz, fumaça e imagens em movimento. e pouco contraste, esta distância de freqüências que separa os registros sonoros e visuais a partir de seus extremos. cinza, difuso, oscilante, intermediário, indireto acesso. em tempos… Continue reading incertezas