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Author: marcus bastos
refractive composition for live video and sound, de ana carvalho [AVAV 25]
Refractive composition for live video and sound in two parts develops from multiple experiments with refraction, where chance is essential in the connection between process and performance and between structures of collaboration and of creation. The score for this live audiovisual performance comprises a structure / scheme and a text, which constitute the central score.… Continue reading refractive composition for live video and sound, de ana carvalho [AVAV 25]
“Reconfiguring Text”, a partir de George Landow
Estrutura Axial (estruturas reticulares em livros, mesmo em livros eletrônicos) x Estrutura em Rede do Hipertexto (não existe início, fim ou fronteiras) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c539cK58ees Navigating Knowledge _ Pioneers of Hypertext http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/the-web/20/373/2210 Theodore Nelson Xanadu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En_2T7KH6RA Judy Mallow Blue Notebook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qTT4rLEmCs The Dickens Web Christiane Paul Unreal City http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/GCA-VI.2e.html#Mitschreibeprojekte …………………………………….. O problema da terminologia: em… Continue reading “Reconfiguring Text”, a partir de George Landow
schriftliche Aufzeichnung
Wenn ich meinem Gedächtnis misstraue — der Neurotiker tut dies bekanntlich in auffälligem Ausmaße, aber auch der Normale hat allen Grund dazu —, so kann ich dessen Funktion ergänzen und versichern, indem ich mir eine schriftliche Aufzeichnung mache. If I distrust my memory — neurotics, as we know, do so to a remarkable extent, but normal people have… Continue reading schriftliche Aufzeichnung
Estratégias da Interatividade, a partir de Dieter Daniels
_ Ideologia (Brecth) e Tecnologia (Turing) —> Sistemas abertos (Cage) e Sistemas fechados (Gates) (Brecht, The Radio as Communication Apparatus) http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/works/bertold-brecht/audio/2/ The Turing Machine _ As mudanças de paradigma da interatividade (da participação à interação, com o surgimento de formatos baseados em tecnologias midiáticas que mudam de modelos de transmissão unidirecionais, para modelos reativos bidirecionais… Continue reading Estratégias da Interatividade, a partir de Dieter Daniels